Comtesse Desiree Comtesse Desiree
No , I do not lack customers!
I would just like to schedule some of the sessions - during the week -
on Sundays or public holidays.
Appointment arrangement IN TIME
Deposit (e.g. PayPal, bank account) for NEW customers NECESSARY!

 I expect you to have at least tried to study
 the text and photos of my homepage before contacting me.
 I assume that you should know all about 
 my person as a Dominatrix here in Munich/Bavaria,
 my work in my BDSM-Studio my conditions. 
 If you would like to talk to me on telephone, 
 your number must be shown on my caller ID display.
I will not have conversations with anonymous callers.
On the telephone I expect that you give me your name 
 and demonstrate the proper respect for me – as I will for you.
Otherwise it would be much more effective for you thinking about
 making an appointment at my SM-Studio in Munich
 than bothering me with questions and wishes,
 which only serve as your momentary, erotically lust
 and your cheap and sexual satisfaction.
 Storytellers having no thoughfulness and who do not see any reason
 will be punished with my absolute ignorance.
 As soon as I have met you in person
- having a session at my studio - 
 you will get my e-mail-address,
and you will be able sending me e-mails on a larger scale.
I don't mind reading first-time SMS's - only to 50 characters.
In the clear :  when you keep them short and clear
and only for arranging a date respectively confirming it.
So eager scribblers, trying miserably to abuse - free of charge ! .
my attention, my time and my energy
to have a good literary romp, to get horny, to aggrandise themselves
or only as a fanciless occupation when feeling bored!
If you want to pay me a compliment, may be an invective,
other inputs and wishes
you may personally tell me all about
when we both are at the studio having a preliminary talk.

Spontaneous appointments - at least 1 hour in advance -
conditionally ready to get !
 If you make a binding appointment, 
 my General Terms and Conditions - AGB - apply.

Whilst as a Dominatrix in Munich/Bavaria 
 I am open-minded to many things and practice,
 and I don’t have many prudish views. 
 I can’t and I don’t want to identify with the following :
 Needling - sutures - , 
 sessions and roleplays with minors, children
and young persons, who are in need of protection!
The same applies for sessions with living animals.
Furthermore I won't deal with this kind of roleplay :
 e.g. Commandant respectively ( death ) camp guard,   
 including the period of the Nazi regime or  any situation of the Third Reich.
 Beginners !
Do not ask me :“What are you offering to me”,
 or “what are you going to do to me?”
Be a good boy and keep this in mind, I will allow you to continue reading :
 For some time...your fantasies are playing a joke and a trick on you ! 
 You don’t know why, but you do really want something new : 
 You want to forget yourself and try another very different way. 
 Full of expectation and slowly you want to experience 
 a world which is unusual and fascinating. 
 I will provide you with the possibility to test this. 
Don’t hesitate to call me,
 and I will make that "special decision" for you...



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