Comtesse Desiree Comtesse Desiree

Have a look at this article written in 

"Abendzeitung München"
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Comtesse Desiree about 50 Shades of Grey (Radio Energy)




"Malte schläft mit..."

feature 1



feature 2



feature 3



feature 4



feature 5


Another interview :

interviewer :
I am looking forward to interviewing 
at her own, private BDSM-STUDIO in Munich/Bavaria :

How do I behave in the best way when I am a beginner ?

I think it is very important that you respect me absolutely and show it.
I prefer candidates who behave carefully, nearly timidly,
when they are here in my Studio of Domination in Munich/Bavaria 
for the first time.
I really dislike those men who have combed through
and trawled all websites of BDSM
and do present me a long list of practices, impressions and imaginations.
This does not mean that I do not accept or allow 
the candidate says something about his fantasies  and ideas,
but : without any lack of moderation.

Of course I attach great importance  to
a well-groomed appearance and punctuality.

How much time do you take for a session ?

It depends on the candidate.
Mostly about one hour - plus preliminary talk -
is enough and  sufficient for a beginner,
otherwise he could be out of his depth.

It may take longer – for example 1 ½ until 2 hours –
if an incarceration in my SM-Studio has been planned.
By the way the detailed preliminary talk is not included
- as I already mentioned - .
It is possible, that the expert with a lot of know-how,
and  who found out much about typical equipment and treatment,
will be in a position to stay longer.
Sometimes the time adds up to 5 until 6 hours – with short breaks.
May I touch you ?

Only after my permission and encouragement.

 What is your programme normally ?
I do not have any fixed standard programme.
Fantasy, empathy and competence – together with experience and passion
are those factors which determine my varying programme.
May I bring along my partner ?

In principle yes. It depends on the circumstances.

Do you have any ideas about me falling  in love with you ?

No, I do not think so.
You would be better to concentrate or amuse  yourself on other things.
What happens when the session seems to be too much for me ?

Notice the slogan :
slowly but surely – and we will  not finish our session !

May I bring you a present ?

Sure, if you spare me rats or mice...

How do you base your opinion about “Personal Minions

Again and again I am still receiving  telephone calls and e-mails
from men, subs, sluts, who are interested
in indroducing themselves
as personal butler to do  my housework.

When I started my work as a dominatrix – long time ago –
some guys  appeared for a meeting, and indeed this was enough for them
to get their cheap sexual satisfaction with a special kick.

These facts are over and finished since a long time.
I later tried to give a chance to  some candidates
in my Studio of Domination in Munich/Bavaria
with the order of working and cleaning for me – free of charge -
to the value of my dominant company.

The result was not satisfying me at all :
Unpunctuality – bad work – grumbling and  contradiction and :
absolutely no way of strain – a to-do which was sensitive like mimosa  !

Since that time I only train for payment.
Besides I compose an employment contract
in which rules about all the  necessary work and behaviour are listed.

Naturally I will treat my personal servant with an appropriate session,
if he can be used as my personal sub who does a good job.
It is up to him to consider this as being a reward or punishment.
It is only me making  the decisions here
as to what is going on and what will happen.
What ‘s about “Devote Money-Sponsors

Those Money-Subs are welcome. Although  I am fastidious and choosey.
They have to think of something special
to obtain an appropriate audience and my real attention.

Are you able to lose your self-control ?

Be sure I won’t tell you now.

Thank you very much, Comtesse !

It was not a displeasure for me answering all your questions !


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